Sunday, September 2

Day 246: Ikea Bike Tour

Yesterday I suggested that we get up and get going early today and ride our bikes out to Ikea. It is about twelve kilometers there so I figured it would be a good work out round trip and we could leave early to arrive when they open and beat the crowds. Ha. Beat the crowds at Ikea? Impossible. There seems to be some unspoken rule everywhere I have lived where an Ikea exists that states that a minimum of fifty nine thousand three hundred and seventy three people must go to Ikea every single day. Not necessarily to shop but just to hang out and stand three wide in all the aisles. And all of them should bring their tired screaming kids along too. Ah... Ikea. The place I love to hate.

I am partly kidding about loving to hate Ikea. Ikea definitely holds a special place in my heart and our bike ride there and back was awesome. Riding there we stopped several times to make sure we were on track with directions and heading the right way. We only over shot once and luckily we did not have to backtrack uphill. The ride home was a cinch. And the in between part wasn't so bad either.

I never know how I am going to make out on a trip to Ikea. It could turn out that I practically buy everything in the store or I could leave empty handed. Or maybe I find a few things but the things I go looking for don't turn out to be what I expected and those sadly get crossed off the wishlist. But no matter what I end up with there always seems to be one or two surprises that somehow make their way into the shopping basket. One of today's surprises included a double duty springform baking pan.

This ultra cool baking pan doubles as a regular round cake pan or a bundt cake pan, with little heart shapes pressed into the top part of the bundt pan so that the finished cake comes out with heart on top. It is really cute and I felt that it needed to come home with me. And we don't actually have a spring form pan so we actually needed it. It is also red on the outside, which happens to be my second favorite color these days. So you know what this means, right? I will be baking sometime in the near future to test it out. Stay tuned!

Isn't it cute? Who wouldn't want to eat a piece of cake made in that?

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