Tuesday, October 23

Day 297: Checking Off My To-Do Lists

Checking things off to-do lists is one of my greatest pleasures. Especially when it has to do with buying presents for friends and family. I know I've already mentioned before the thrill I get when I discover an awesome gift that I think the receiver will love but it's worth mentioning again. It makes me bubble over with excitement and joy. I wonder if there's a way to bottle and sell this joy? There is no doubt that I could make a million dollars.

So why does it give me such joy to give presents? I don't really know what the tipping point was that caused me like giving gifts more than receiving them. Don't get me wrong, I still love presents but I find myself slightly more excited these days to give a present than the other way around. I love to see a smile light up my loved one's face when they are equally, if not more, excited by their present.

Today I ran out during my lunchbreak to get a few more things checked off of my list. It was a successful mission, thanks to the blue subway line being up and running again. It takes a fraction of the time to take the blue line two stops than it does to take the bus or the green line. So I was a happy camper when the blue line started running again between my work stop and central station yesterday. We are taking a trip on Thursday and I can happily say that as of today I have purchased everything that I need in order to feel good about the presents that will accompany us.

It feels great to now be able to concentrate on other aspects of packing and trip preparing. After work I picked up some almond butter for sandwiches and a few snacks to have for an airplane picnic. You never know what the airplane food is going to be like and it's just always good to be prepared with a few comforts from home. Plus, who doesn't love a picnic? And on the airplane while watching movies? It practically ensures awesomeness for the fourteen plus hours of traveling and layovers. Just one more day until departure!

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