Tuesday, December 25

Dag 360: Crunchy Snow

Merry American Christmas! Since Swedes celebrate on Christmas Eve, what does one do in Sweden on Christmas Day? As little as possible. We lazed around in bed and in our pajamas until around noon, which was really nice. Eventually we took showers and then rested some more because it was so "strenuous." A short while later we had fika with my husband's parents: coffee and a lovely mixture of homemade and store-bought cookies, chocolates, and clementines. Then before the sun made its trajectory toward the horizon, we went out for a long walk.

The temperature outside was much warmer than on Sunday, when we had our blanketing of snow just in time for a white Christmas, and it had already begun to melt in patches here and there. Overnight the patches of snow and slush froze again creating the most wonderful crunchy sound as we walked and crunched through it. It reminded me of the sound of crunching leaves in the later part of autumn, after the leaves have fallen and had time to dry to a nice crisp. The brittle crisp crunch of the leaves under foot makes me giddy like a kid.

Today's crunchy snow had the same effect. At one point I found myself seeking out the crunchy parts and walking off path just to hear the crunch. I don't know what it is about the sensation and sound of crunching leaves or snow under foot but I really love it. I guess it is the same sensation one gets when popping bubble wrap. It just makes you happy. When my cousin lived out of state at one time my aunt would mail him care packages that included some sheets of bubble wrap for him to pop. I can't imagine someone mailing me crunchy leaves, and especially not icy, brittle snow, just to relive the sounds but being outside with only the sounds of crunching leaves or snow around seems to work magic in soothing my soul.

Hope you had a magical Christmas Day filled with thankfulness and joy!

Ps. I hear Dallas, Texas is getting a white Christmas as I write this! Wonderful!

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